Drinking is good

Wine and cardiovascular diseases have been increasingly investigated due to their heavy weight, proving that alcohol can help prevent cardiovascular diseases. Even skeptics have to admit that drinking alcohol can help to reduce cardiovascular death before they become ironic. The ratio.
Drinking wine has a certain effect on the prevention of heart disease.

The so-called heart attack, a heart attack, is a myocardial infarction. Due to the formation of coronary artery thrombosis, it blocks the circulation of blood vessels and causes myocardial necrosis. The occlusion of these arteries eventually leads to cardiac arrest.

Although a heart attack may seem sudden, the cause must have been a period of time. Fat, mainly low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, accumulates on the walls of blood vessels, and the rate of accumulation is affected by heredity, sex, lifestyle, and other diseases such as diabetes. Age is also a major cause, chronic aging decline makes the blood vessels natural hardening, so the hardening of the arteries in the elderly is very common, although this situation may also occur in young people. Blood vessels have narrowed, hardened, blood flow is slower, and clot formation is easier.
How does wine protect our heart?

There are four mechanisms by which wine can function. First, alcohol reduces fat in the blood and prevents excessive coagulation in blood vessels. Second, polyphenols and flavonoids in wine have antioxidant properties that prevent further conversion of low-fat cholesterol to harmful formation. The third mechanism is polyphenols to reduce the degree of vascular narrowing, relax blood vessels and smooth blood flow. The fourth is polyphenols with alcohol to prevent blood clotting.

Benign and Malignant Cholesterol Fats are not evil villains. Fat has an important and complex task in the human body. Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol “bad” cholesterol accumulates on the blood vessel walls and causes blood vessels to embolize, but high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol is “good” because it can take away “bad” cholesterol. Reversing the transport of cholesterol and thus preventing atherosclerosis, high-density protein cholesterol acts like this, it dissolves the lipids in the blood vessel walls, transports them back to the liver and is excreted through the bile.

The density of high-density egg cholesterol has a direct relationship with heart health. This is supported by a large amount of research. Alcohol helps the liver to produce high-density lipoproteins and improves the function of reversing cholesterol transport. It is useless. However, excessive intake of alcohol over a long period of time causes serious damage to the liver. It is doubtful whether the beneficial blood reversal transport function described above can be exerted. Therefore, in the final analysis, it is beneficial to drink a moderate amount of alcohol, and excessive amounts of it will certainly be harmful.

The effect of alcohol on fat is not limited to the above, alcohol can also stimulate the lipase to defuse the activity of fat; reduce the concentration of insulin in the plasma, thereby preventing the synthesis of harmful cholesterol and triglyceride; regulate the concentration of concentrated lipoprotein molecules. There is evidence that polyphenols in red wine can stimulate the formation of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.

The role of antioxidants protects the skin from premature aging, requires antioxidants, prevents free radicals from invading cells, prevents cancer, requires antioxidants, neutralizes the chemical actions of oxo processes, prevents heart disease, and requires antioxidants.

The greatest role of antioxidants in preventing heart disease is preventing the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol because cholesterol oxidation causes atherogenesis. If the atheroma process can be stopped or reduced, the accumulation of cholesterol on the vessel wall is controlled.

There is a lot of evidence that alcohol itself is sufficient to reduce the oxidation of blood vessel walls. Various medical studies have more consistently pointed out that the antioxidant function of polyphenol complexes in wine is significant.

The polyphenols in grapes are stored in grape skins. Since red wine is immersed in blisters, the contact time between the liquid and the skin is long. Therefore, red wine contains more polyphenols than white wine, beer contains only a trace amount of polyphenols, and spirits are completely Lacking.

Of course, allium, broccoli and tea all contain polyphenols, but wines are made active during the brewing process by releasing polyphenols from the skin of the grapes, so drinking wine may be more beneficial than eating grapes. The ingestion of polyphenols from onions, garlic, broccoli, and tea or even grapes is more direct or controversial than drinking wine. However, it is certain that alcohol and alcohol have the added benefit of dissolving blood lipids. What's more, from the point of view of enjoyment, how can the onion and garlic not compare to the wine of the grape.

We must be healthy. We must pay attention to diet and do more exercise. However, drinking one or two glasses of wine during eating not only meets the keep-fit ​​principle, prevents heart disease, but also enhances the enjoyment of life. Both.

Wine and cancer prevention are among the most feared illnesses. Alcoholism can increase the incidence of certain cancers. However, the relevant information in this area is often contradictory, but the medical community unanimously acknowledges that the cancer of the upper respiratory and digestive canal and liver cancer are all related to alcoholism. Spirits, especially apple brandy and beer, are more dangerous than wine. Alcoholism causes liver damage and the chance of developing liver cancer is higher than ordinary people.

The relationship between breast cancer and alcohol has always been of concern to the medical community. The results of the study cannot be convinced that some women who believe that alcoholism have a higher chance of developing breast cancer because alcohol causes fatty acids to accumulate, which makes breast cancer easier to form. Some studies believe that one day Women who drink three or more cups of tea have an increased chance of developing breast cancer, but a 1994 study pointed out that drinking 15 grams of alcohol a day would reduce the chance of developing breast cancer. Some people in the medical profession pointed out that this has to take into account the factors of menopause. After the menopause, the chance of breast cancer in women after the menopause will increase, and it has nothing to do with alcohol. Instead, the antioxidant effects of polyphenols in wine are more effective in preventing cancer and counteract the carcinogenic effects of alcohol.

Colorectal cancer is another type of cancer that is considered by medical science. However, this is the same as the study of breast cancer. Studies have shown that if you take enough folate and methionine, you can reduce the impact of alcohol. Another study in 1994 pointed out that wine can prevent side colon cancer, and has nothing to do with near colon cancer or rectal cancer.

Alcoholism is the culprit of pancreatitis. Some pancreatic diseases may also be related to alcohol. However, the benefits of moderate drinking are even greater. There is no need to worry about it.

So, can wine prevent cancer?
Antioxidants in wine prevent both heart disease and cancer. Oxidation is the main cause of malignant changes in cells. Therefore, antioxidants can prevent cancer. Alcohol itself has no such value, but the polyphenols in wine can be antioxidant.

Anti-cancer polyphenols are found in onion vegetables, broccoli and red wine. With more intake of polyphenols, the chance of developing gastric cancer is reduced, and the growth of uterine and ovarian cancer cells is inhibited. Even in cancer chemotherapy, polyphenols inhibit the growth of blood cancer cells. The conclusion is that polyphenolic plant products, including red wine, tofu, soy milk and tea, are all beneficial to health. However, medical researchers warned that too much polyphenol intake will increase the chance of cancer, which is just like drinking.

The flavonoids in wine and infestation-infected wines are believed to regulate complement, a ten powerful immune response, such as fatal or severe allergic reactions. However, this is like Shuangfeng's sword, because the body needs to remove the bacteria to clear the infection. The most reliable is the wine contains antioxidants that help suppress hyperactive macrophages. A survey by the British Medical Research Institute is even more interesting. Research shows that drinking can reduce the chance of a common cold infection. Some people experimented with wine and spirits in conjunction with oysters contaminated with hepatitis A. They found that the chance of being infected with hepatitis A can be reduced by alcohol, but beer does not have this effect. We certainly cannot rely on alcohol to defend or heal hepatitis and food contamination. The most important thing is to eat carefully.

Wine and arthritis women have more rheumatoid arthritis than men, but if you drink 14 glasses of wine a week, that is, two glasses a day, you can reduce the chance of this disease. Smoking and obesity are sure to increase the chance of suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

The most distressing aspect of wine and bone strengthening human aging is osteoporosis, especially women. The metabolism of bone is very complicated, because the study of wine and bone is different. It is said that the toxins in alcohol will affect the growth of cells that form bones, especially long-term alcoholics. In 1993, two doctors' studies pointed out that drinking alcohol in social situations, that is non-recurrent drinking, can increase bone density. To be sure, malnutrition of alcoholism, its bone quality must be damaged.

Wine and gout have caused gout to be over-exaggerated, and it has been believed that drinking alcohol is the culprit of gout. However, scientists point out that only excessive drinking will increase the concentration of uric acid in the blood, leading to gout and moderate drinking.

It is well known that wine and metabolism moderately consume alcohol to digest fat proteins. However, excessive drinking can increase blood lipids to dangerous levels.

Wine suppresses the respiratory system. Unless you drink a large amount of alcohol in a hurry, it is not enough to stop the respiratory system. Patients who have chronic lung disease themselves may cause edema if they drink alcohol. However, Haniman's 1993 study pointed out that after reaching the high altitude of 6300 to 9700 feet, people who drink alcohol within 24 hours will be more likely to adapt to the pressure of the mountains than people who do not drink, and there is less occurrence of alpine disease. In 1995, another study held the opposite view, pointing out that wine thickness hinders the body's ability to adapt to the early stages of the mountain. It is not advisable to drink alcohol during or after climbing.