Controlling hyperlipidemia in life

Functional regulation in the human body is very subtle. Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol determines the level of cholesterol in the blood. In order to maintain proper cholesterol levels to ensure normal physiological function, high-density lipoprotein transports cholesterol to the liver for decomposition and excretion to maintain proper cholesterol levels in the blood. This is a regular and dynamic process. The control of high blood lipids from daily life is first controlled from the diet. This includes two aspects: control the intake of high-cholesterol foods, eat more foods that have cholesterol-lowering effects.

In diet, animal fat, animal brain, liver, kidney, egg yolk, duck yolk, egg yolk, egg, shrimp, crab yellow and other foods, high cholesterol content, should control the consumption. Take the eggs that people often eat as an example. Each egg yolk contains 320 milligrams of cholesterol. It is advisable to eat only one egg per day. If it is not high in blood lipids, you do not need to eat only egg white and do not eat egg yolk. Controlling pure sugar and fat helps to lower triglycerides.

Foods with low cholesterol or cholesterol-reducing effects, such as cereals, lean meat, chicken and duck meat, fish (especially marine fish), sea cucumbers, kelp, potatoes, bananas, and other foods, and vegetable oils (especially sesame oil, peanut oil) (corn oil) should be increased in the daily diet. Intake of milk, beans, or their products can also be supplemented with calcium, which also helps control cholesterol. Drinking tea, especially green tea also has a hypolipidemic effect.

It has been found that garlic has the effect of increasing high-density lipoproteins in the blood, increasing cholesterol breakdown and excretion. Soybean and soy products have a significant effect on lowering LDL cholesterol in the blood. Mushrooms and fungus reduce blood cholesterol and triglycerides. Onions also have a role in preventing the deposition of cholesterol on the arterial wall.

At the same time as diet control, adhering to physical exercise will help to consume body fat and speed up blood flow without stagnating blood flow, which will help prevent the deposition of cholesterol in the blood vessel wall. In the national fitness campaign, choosing your own sport for a long period of time will also help maintain proper weight.

Also diligent in using the brain, the human brain only 2% of body weight, but in the consumption of 20% of the body's heat, diligent in using the brain (especially the elderly) will help reduce body fat accumulation, help reduce blood fat.

People over the age of 40 must also check their blood lipids during the annual physical examination to assess the effect of controlling excessive blood lipids in daily life. If hyperlipidemia is found, then combine with other treatments.