Multivalent flu vaccine is not a dream
May 04, 2016 Source: Bio Valley
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The newly formed Imutex company will focus on developing both new influenza vaccines and Zika vaccines. Among them, the company's current influenza vaccine project called FLU-v is the fastest growing. The vaccine aims to prevent a variety of influenza virus types by stimulating the body's B cells and T cells to recognize conserved proteins shared by all influenza virus strains. It can be said that this idea is not new, but the problem is that these proteins are generally not exposed to the surface of the virus, and how to expose it is the key to achieve this problem. SEEK believes that it has the tools to solve this problem. As early as 2010, the company conducted a clinical phase I study to verify this potential of FLU-v. To further develop this product, Imutex will team up with the American Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIAID) to conduct a Phase II clinical study as soon as possible.
On the other hand, Imutex is also planning to introduce a new Zika virus vaccine into clinical research. A company spokesperson said that although this product is still in very early research, it has shown great potential. The company plans to focus its research on human research. According to the plan, Imutex will team up with NIAID to push this product to the first clinical study in the coming months.
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